New God (Apotheosis) Revised 2013

Balmed in prudent silence
barely surfacing the door;
passion crisps each moment
in her eye... 
essentially debased;
envisioning a new god,

rude promise carves my face
awaiting her reply... 
Privy to her mirror
every answer I desire.
caution beading folly
out the eye...
clerics; blind through grace;
wield edicts of a new god;
latticed to the faith
awaiting her reply...

Bacchanal transgression;
my illicit serenade;
permeates her focused
nubile eye...
iniquities erased;
embellishing a new god;
pulse increasing pace
awaiting her reply...
Bridled by emotion
ripe and drifting on the vine,
limpid tenets beguile
every eye...
sworn gentry twist in place,
bearing tokens for a new god.
fealty in the faith,
waiting her reply...

Born anew; lamenting
for a spiritual revolt.
drowning in the furrows
of her eye...
acting, more as paste, than
anointment for a new god,
dutifully ornate
awaiting her reply...
Vice and virtue equaled
as contributory cysts;
an irony, contested
then denied...
We venerate the wraith
to canonize a new god;
tethered to the faith
awaiting your reply..

and here is the original version of the above poem, that I wrote in 1989 ~ wow, that long ago
It was titled New God, and was more of a "beat" poem at that time. The cadence of it has completely changed

New God
Liquid is the sunlight, barely surfacing the door
Passion for a moment in her eye
Silk against my face; dancing for a new god
Fire in my face; fire in my eye
Stolen from her mirror is the answer I desire
Caution dripping, caution from the eye
Seven sins of grace; dancing for a new god
Fire in my face; fire in my eye

Echoed by her actions that her footsteps never made
The wicked and intriguing evil eye
My heart has quickened pace dancing with a new god
Fire in my face; fire in my eyes
Blinded through emotion, ripe perfection from the vine
Uncertainty now frozen in my eye
Skin I long to taste; dancing for a new god
Fire in my face; fire in my eyes

Poison, hard to swallow, saturates the mind
Envisioned so tempting to the eye
Swill it with a chase; dancing for a new god
Fire in my face; fire in my eyes
Now the liquid sunlight encompassed on the floor
Drowns me with desire from the eye
Silk against my face; dancing for a new god
Fire in my face; fire in my eyes

1 comment:

Robin said...

I remember New God like it was yesterday. Maybe you're the reason I love beat poetry. You came before Kerouac for me. ;-)