Embers (of Seattle)


Lying green just out of view
The pine 
sensation "winter-fresh"
The memories I now recall
The winter, fresh, the chill and all
The things that come with youth

I braved the storm to face the frost
That threw me back into the snow
At four or five that’s quite a ride
Without your father by your side
To pick you up & pat you off

Glowing green just out of sight
Too far & strong to feel or die
The moments I remember well
That sings to me enchanted spells
I play by heart & ear this night

The drizzle & the red tide days
When envelopment was not allowed
Unsafe to journey far, for harm
Would surely strike. The strange alarm
The sun would shine; the blinds were drawn

Burning now the blue-red hue
Warm accepting family tree
Though all things die, it should come to pass
These seeds were spread; this tree shall last
Growing green just out of view

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